Monsters vs Firebirds

Created - Sunday, January 28, 2024 at 08:20

1 2 3 T
Monsters 1 1 0 2
Firebirds 1 0 0 1
1 2 3 T
Monsters 11 9 15 35
Firebirds 20 12 14 46

1st period
1. Firebirds , Unknown Player 1 (Andrew Agozzino 34, Unknown Player 1) at 1:25
2. Monsters , Wayne Simmonds 14 (Graeme Clarke 11, Jordan Spence 26) at 7:20
Jordan Spence (CBJ) for High sticking (Minor) at 12:15
2nd period
3. Monsters , Rasmus Asplund 15 (Justin Barron 26, Wayne Simmonds 10) at 3:39 (PP)
Unknown Player (CVF) for Hooking (Minor) at 2:51
Unknown Player (CVF) for Interference (Minor) at 13:45
William Lagesson (CBJ) for Hooking (Minor) at 17:37
Brendan Lemieux (CBJ) for Boarding (Minor) at 18:02
3rd period
No Goal
Jordan Spence (CBJ) for Interference (Minor) at 1:48
Justin Barron (CBJ) for Tripping (Minor) at 4:00
Unknown Player (CBJ) for Tripping (Minor) at 9:46
Goalie Stats
Anthony Stolarz (CBJ), 45 saves from 46 shots - (0.978), W, 23-15-1, 60:00 minutes
Keith Kinkaid (CVF), 33 saves from 35 shots - (0.943), L, 21-21-6, 60:00 minutes
3 StarsOfficial
1 - Anthony Stolarz (CBJ)
2 - Wayne Simmonds (CBJ)
3 - Andrew Agozzino (CVF)
Referees : Corey Syvret and Ryan Hersey
Linesman : Jeff Walker and Luke Galvin
Game Note
No Game Note
Level 1 -- Attendance: 1460 (73.00%) -- Ticket Income $51,100
Level 2 -- Attendance: 607 (60.70%) -- Ticket Income $15,175
Total Attendance: 2067 (68.90%)
Total Ticket Income: $66,275
Other Income: $16,569
Total Income: $82,844

Team Name Goals Shots Shots Attemp Shots Blocked PIM HIT PP PK FO%
Monsters 235861512211 / 2 (50%)057%
Firebirds 14687144300 / 6 (0%)143%

Brayden PachalD0000000112:200:0003:1300% 0
Brendan BrissonC/LW/RW0000004019:271:3810:24050% 8
Brendan LemieuxLW/RW0000221018:221:3802:500100% 2
Graeme ClarkeRW0111004011:560:0000:0000% 0
Jacob LarssonD0000001110:070:0001:0000% 0
Jordan SpenceD0111450417:360:3201:5200% 0
Justin BarronD011-1234324:282:1524:1500% 0
Liam FoudyC/RW0000002018:581:3803:00067% 24
Logan BrownC000-1044124:441:0906:03059% 41
Nathan LegareRW000-1042020:260:0000:00050% 2
Rasmus AsplundC/LW/RW101-1008023:571:0925:16150% 2
Turner ElsonLW000000103:310:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000121120:000:0000:00042% 19
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Wayne SimmondsLW/RW1121023114:481:0901:32050% 4
William LagessonD000020024:320:0000:0000% 0
Xavier SimoneauC000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Andrew AgozzinoLW01110712027:537:2651:44050% 6
Blake HillmanD000002058:540:0000:0000% 0
Callahan BurkeRW0000009118:092:5410:0000% 1
Jamie DevaneLW000-1042112:550:0000:0000% 2
Justin ScottC/LW/RW000-1023013:580:0001:03020% 15
Tyler SikuraC/LW00000610118:092:5440:00064% 36
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D1121491060:000:0050:00036% 42
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0
Unknown PlayerC/LW/RW/D000000000:000:0000:0000% 0


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Rasmus AsplundLogan BrownNathan Legare1224037%16:55
2Brendan LemieuxLiam FoudyBrendan Brisson1223030%13:54
3Wayne SimmondsUnknown PlayerGraeme Clarke1222026%11:56
4Turner ElsonBrendan BrissonNathan Legare122108%3:31
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerJustin Barron1224038%17:22
2Unknown PlayerJordan Spence1223033%15:14
3Brayden PachalJacob Larsson1222020%9:07
4William LagessonUnknown Player1221010%4:33
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Rasmus AsplundLogan BrownWayne Simmonds1226041%1:09
2Brendan LemieuxLiam FoudyBrendan Brisson1224059%1:38
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerJustin Barron1226081%2:15
2Unknown PlayerJordan Spence1224019%0:32
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Logan BrownRasmus Asplund1226066%5:46
2Liam FoudyBrendan Lemieux1224034%3:00
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerJustin Barron1226057%5:00
2Unknown PlayerJordan Spence1224043%3:46
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Logan Brown12260100%1:34 Unknown PlayerJustin Barron1226079%1:14
2Liam Foudy122400%0:00 Unknown PlayerJordan Spence1224021%0:20
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Logan BrownRasmus Asplund122600%0:00
2Liam FoudyBrendan Lemieux122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerJustin Barron122600%0:00
2Unknown PlayerJordan Spence122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Rasmus AsplundLogan BrownLiam FoudyUnknown PlayerJustin Barron
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Rasmus AsplundLogan BrownLiam FoudyUnknown PlayerJustin Barron
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:000:37
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Wayne Simmonds, Unknown Player, Brendan BrissonWayne Simmonds, Unknown PlayerWayne Simmonds
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson, William LagessonBrayden Pachal, Brayden PachalJacob Larsson
Penalty Shots
Logan Brown, Liam Foudy, Rasmus Asplund, Brendan Lemieux, Wayne Simmonds
Anthony Stolarz, Charlie Lindgren
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Logan Brown, Liam Foudy, Rasmus Asplund, Brendan Lemieux, Wayne Simmonds, Unknown Player, Brendan Brisson, Graeme Clarke, Turner Elson, Xavier Simoneau
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Unknown Player, Justin Barron, Unknown Player, Jordan Spence, Brayden Pachal
Alex Steeves (Lacerated Left Calf Injury), John Parker-Jones (Healthy), Gustav Lindstrom (Healthy), Patrick Guay (Healthy), Xavier Parent (Healthy) Pierre-Olivier Joseph (Healthy), Remi Poirier (Healthy)


5 vs 5 Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Andrew AgozzinoUnknown PlayerUnknown Player1224035%16:16
2Unknown PlayerTyler SikuraCallahan Burke1223033%15:15
3Jamie DevaneJustin ScottUnknown Player1222028%12:55
4Andrew AgozzinoUnknown PlayerUnknown Player122104%1:55
5 vs 5 Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player1224043%19:54
2Unknown PlayerUnknown Player1223032%14:40
3Blake HillmanUnknown Player1222019%8:54
4Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122106%2:53
Power Play Forward
Line #Left WingCenterRight WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Andrew AgozzinoUnknown PlayerUnknown Player1226072%7:26
2Unknown PlayerTyler SikuraCallahan Burke1224028%2:54
Power Play Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player12260100%10:20
2Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122400%0:00
Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Andrew AgozzinoUnknown Player12260100%2:47
2Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122400%0:00
Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
Line #DefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player12260100%2:47
2Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122400%0:00
Penalty Kill 3 Players
Line #WingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time PlayDefenseDefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Andrew Agozzino122600%0:00 Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122600%0:00
2Unknown Player122400%0:00 Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Forward
Line #CenterWingPHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Andrew AgozzinoUnknown Player122600%0:00
2Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122400%0:00
4 vs 4 Defense
Line #DefensePHYDFOFWanted %Time %Time Play
1Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122600%0:00
2Unknown PlayerUnknown Player122400%0:00
Last Minutes Offensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Andrew AgozzinoUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerUnknown Player
Last Minutes Defensive
Left WingCenterRight WingDefenseDefense
Andrew AgozzinoUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerUnknown PlayerUnknown Player
Total ForwardTotal DefenseLast Minutes OffensiveLast Minutes Defensive
60:00 60:00 0:320:00
Extra Forwards
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Unknown Player, Jamie Devane, Justin ScottUnknown Player, Jamie DevaneJustin Scott
Extra Defensemen
Normal PowerPlayPenalty Kill
Blake Hillman, Unknown Player, Unknown PlayerBlake Hillman, Unknown PlayerUnknown Player
Penalty Shots
Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Tyler Sikura
Keith Kinkaid, Evan Cormier
Custom OT Lines Forwards
Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Tyler Sikura, Callahan Burke, Unknown Player, Jamie Devane, Justin Scott, Unknown Player
Custom OT Lines Defensemen
Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Unknown Player, Blake Hillman
Kai Wissmann (Healthy), Daniel Mannella (Healthy)


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
1:23 of 1st period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
1:23 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:25 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
1:25 of 1st period - Goal by Unknown Player - Monsters : 0 - Firebirds : 1.
1:26 of 1st period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in neutral zone.
1:35 of 1st period - Icing by Callahan Burke.
1:36 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
1:44 of 1st period - Icing by Jacob Larsson.
1:45 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone.
2:28 of 1st period - Unknown Player is hit by Wayne Simmonds and loses puck.
3:44 of 1st period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
3:44 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
3:46 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
3:46 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Jordan Spence.
3:48 of 1st period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
3:48 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
3:50 of 1st period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
3:50 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:54 of 1st period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
3:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
3:55 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
4:00 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
4:00 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:06 of 1st period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
4:06 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by William Lagesson.
4:08 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
4:08 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by William Lagesson.
4:10 of 1st period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
4:10 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
5:20 of 1st period - Justin Barron is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck.
5:28 of 1st period - Unknown Player is hit by Justin Barron and loses puck.
5:49 of 1st period - Shot by Wayne Simmonds.
5:49 of 1st period - Deflect By Graeme Clarke.
5:49 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
5:50 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
6:00 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck.
6:05 of 1st period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
6:05 of 1st period - Shot Hit the Post.
6:07 of 1st period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
6:07 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
6:08 of 1st period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone.
6:34 of 1st period - Shot by Logan Brown.
6:34 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Jamie Devane.
7:18 of 1st period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
7:18 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:20 of 1st period - Shot by Wayne Simmonds.
7:20 of 1st period - Goal by Wayne Simmonds - Monsters : 1 - Firebirds : 1.
7:21 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Brendan Brisson in neutral zone.
7:24 of 1st period - Justin Barron is hit by Tyler Sikura and loses puck.
7:45 of 1st period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
7:45 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
7:46 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
8:15 of 1st period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
8:15 of 1st period - Shot Hit the Post.
8:25 of 1st period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
8:25 of 1st period - Deflect By Wayne Simmonds.
8:25 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound.
9:08 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
9:08 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Justin Barron.
9:11 of 1st period - Icing by Turner Elson.
9:12 of 1st period - Brendan Brisson wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone.
9:23 of 1st period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
9:23 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
9:28 of 1st period - Off-side.
9:29 of 1st period - Justin Scott wins face-off versus Logan Brown in neutral zone.
9:39 of 1st period - Jamie Devane is hit by Nathan Legare and loses puck.
9:46 of 1st period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
9:46 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:58 of 1st period - Shot by Logan Brown.
9:58 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:00 of 1st period - Shot by Logan Brown.
10:00 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound.
10:02 of 1st period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
10:02 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:04 of 1st period - Shot by Logan Brown.
10:04 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:06 of 1st period - Shot by William Lagesson.
10:06 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman.
10:08 of 1st period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
10:08 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:10 of 1st period - Shot by Logan Brown.
10:10 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
10:11 of 1st period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone.
10:12 of 1st period - Shot by Brendan Lemieux.
10:12 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:15 of 1st period - Icing by Callahan Burke.
10:16 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone.
10:48 of 1st period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
10:48 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Justin Barron.
11:00 of 1st period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
11:00 of 1st period - Deflect By Liam Foudy.
11:00 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
11:01 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Firebirds zone.
11:01 of 1st period - Unknown Player is hit by Nathan Legare.
11:11 of 1st period - Shot by Logan Brown.
11:11 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
11:12 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
11:23 of 1st period - Shot by Jacob Larsson.
11:23 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:38 of 1st period - Shot by Wayne Simmonds.
11:38 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
11:39 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Brendan Brisson in Firebirds zone.
11:48 of 1st period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
11:48 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:50 of 1st period - Shot by Turner Elson.
11:50 of 1st period - Deflect By Brendan Brisson.
11:50 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
11:52 of 1st period - Shot by Justin Barron.
11:52 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:58 of 1st period - Shot by Justin Barron.
11:58 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound.
12:00 of 1st period - Shot by Justin Barron.
12:00 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
12:01 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
12:01 of 1st period - Unknown Player is hit by Wayne Simmonds.
12:14 of 1st period - Icing by Graeme Clarke.
12:15 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
12:15 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Jordan Spence for High sticking.
12:16 of 1st period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
12:45 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
12:45 of 1st period - Deflect By Andrew Agozzino.
12:45 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
12:47 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
12:47 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
12:48 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Rasmus Asplund in Monsters zone.
13:41 of 1st period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
13:41 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
13:42 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
13:53 of 1st period - Andrew Agozzino is hit by Logan Brown and loses puck.
14:04 of 1st period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
14:04 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:14 of 1st period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
14:14 of 1st period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
14:15 of 1st period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Firebirds zone.
14:55 of 1st period - Shot by Unknown Player.
14:55 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
14:56 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
15:01 of 1st period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
15:01 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
15:02 of 1st period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
15:03 of 1st period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
15:03 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:11 of 1st period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
15:11 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:42 of 1st period - Shot by Nathan Legare.
16:42 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:44 of 1st period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
16:44 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:46 of 1st period - Shot by Logan Brown.
16:46 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:54 of 1st period - Shot by Logan Brown.
16:54 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:59 of 1st period - Icing by Unknown Player.
17:00 of 1st period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
17:03 of 1st period - Shot by Brendan Lemieux.
17:03 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:09 of 1st period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
17:09 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
17:10 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Monsters zone.
17:15 of 1st period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
17:15 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
17:16 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Monsters zone.
17:41 of 1st period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
17:41 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
17:42 of 1st period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone.
17:42 of 1st period - Logan Brown is hit by Jamie Devane.
18:00 of 1st period - Justin Barron is hit by Unknown Player.
18:03 of 1st period - Logan Brown is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
18:07 of 1st period - Nathan Legare is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
18:17 of 1st period - Icing by Jamie Devane.
18:18 of 1st period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Jamie Devane in Firebirds zone.
18:23 of 1st period - Shot by Brendan Lemieux.
18:23 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:25 of 1st period - Shot by Liam Foudy.
18:25 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:02 of 1st period - Liam Foudy is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
19:19 of 1st period - Shot by Justin Scott.
19:19 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
19:20 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
19:21 of 1st period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
19:21 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
19:22 of 1st period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
19:33 of 1st period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
19:33 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman.
19:36 of 1st period - Icing by Unknown Player.
19:37 of 1st period - Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
19:42 of 1st period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
19:42 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:44 of 1st period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
19:44 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
19:45 of 1st period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
19:54 of 1st period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
19:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
19:55 of 1st period - Nathan Legare wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
19:55 of 1st period - Nathan Legare is hit by Andrew Agozzino.
Goals for this period are 1 for Monsters vs 1 for Firebirds.
Shots for this period are 11 for Monsters vs 20 for Firebirds.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in neutral zone.
0:18 of 2nd period - Icing by Tyler Sikura.
0:19 of 2nd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone.
0:29 of 2nd period - Off-side.
0:30 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in neutral zone.
0:30 of 2nd period - Unknown Player is hit by Logan Brown.
0:43 of 2nd period - Icing by Justin Barron.
0:44 of 2nd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
0:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
0:49 of 2nd period - Shot Hit the Post.
1:02 of 2nd period - Callahan Burke is hit by Logan Brown and loses puck.
1:30 of 2nd period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
1:30 of 2nd period - Deflect By Nathan Legare.
1:30 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound.
1:45 of 2nd period - Liam Foudy is hit by Tyler Sikura and loses puck.
1:49 of 2nd period - Brayden Pachal is hit by Unknown Player.
2:51 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Unknown Player for Hooking.
2:52 of 2nd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Andrew Agozzino in Firebirds zone.
2:57 of 2nd period - Shot by Justin Barron.
2:57 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound.
2:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
2:59 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
3:00 of 2nd period - Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone.
3:23 of 2nd period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
3:23 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
3:24 of 2nd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Andrew Agozzino in Firebirds zone.
3:39 of 2nd period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
3:39 of 2nd period - Goal by Rasmus Asplund - Monsters : 2 - Firebirds : 1.
3:40 of 2nd period - Brendan Brisson wins face-off versus Jamie Devane in neutral zone.
3:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Justin Scott.
3:55 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
3:56 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
4:06 of 2nd period - Icing by Blake Hillman.
4:07 of 2nd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
4:18 of 2nd period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
4:18 of 2nd period - Deflect By Nathan Legare.
4:18 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:21 of 2nd period - Icing by Blake Hillman.
4:22 of 2nd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
4:28 of 2nd period - Off-side.
4:29 of 2nd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in neutral zone.
4:48 of 2nd period - Icing by Jamie Devane.
4:49 of 2nd period - Justin Scott wins face-off versus Brendan Brisson in Firebirds zone.
4:49 of 2nd period - Jamie Devane is hit by Brendan Lemieux.
4:56 of 2nd period - Icing by Unknown Player.
4:57 of 2nd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Firebirds zone.
5:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Justin Scott.
5:14 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
5:15 of 2nd period - Brendan Lemieux wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
5:19 of 2nd period - Liam Foudy is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
5:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
5:58 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jordan Spence.
6:04 of 2nd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
6:04 of 2nd period - Deflect By Unknown Player.
6:04 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:06 of 2nd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
6:06 of 2nd period - Deflect By Unknown Player.
6:06 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
6:07 of 2nd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
6:11 of 2nd period - Tyler Sikura is hit by Justin Barron.
6:27 of 2nd period - Shot by Logan Brown.
6:27 of 2nd period - Deflect By Rasmus Asplund.
6:27 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
6:28 of 2nd period - Wayne Simmonds wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Firebirds zone.
6:34 of 2nd period - Off-side.
6:35 of 2nd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in neutral zone.
7:07 of 2nd period - Shot by Nathan Legare.
7:07 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Tyler Sikura.
7:42 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
7:42 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Logan Brown.
7:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
7:44 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:46 of 2nd period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
7:46 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
7:47 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Monsters zone.
7:58 of 2nd period - Liam Foudy is hit by Andrew Agozzino.
10:20 of 2nd period - Shot by Jamie Devane.
10:20 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Justin Barron.
10:36 of 2nd period - Shot by Justin Scott.
10:36 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:45 of 2nd period - Rasmus Asplund is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
10:52 of 2nd period - Rasmus Asplund is hit by Jamie Devane.
11:06 of 2nd period - Shot by Jamie Devane.
11:06 of 2nd period - Deflect By Justin Scott.
11:06 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:33 of 2nd period - Off-side.
11:34 of 2nd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in neutral zone.
11:58 of 2nd period - Icing by Callahan Burke.
11:59 of 2nd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone.
12:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
12:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
12:27 of 2nd period - Brendan Brisson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
12:30 of 2nd period - Shot by Nathan Legare.
12:30 of 2nd period - Deflect By Turner Elson.
12:30 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:32 of 2nd period - Shot by Nathan Legare.
12:32 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
12:40 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
12:42 of 2nd period - Shot by Jordan Spence.
12:42 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
12:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Jordan Spence.
12:44 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:46 of 2nd period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
12:46 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound.
12:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
12:48 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:09 of 2nd period - Jordan Spence is hit by Andrew Agozzino.
13:12 of 2nd period - Brendan Brisson is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
13:20 of 2nd period - Andrew Agozzino is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck.
13:24 of 2nd period - Icing by Nathan Legare.
13:25 of 2nd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Brendan Brisson in Monsters zone.
13:25 of 2nd period - Callahan Burke is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck.
13:45 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Unknown Player for Interference.
13:46 of 2nd period - Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Firebirds zone.
14:22 of 2nd period - Shot by Justin Barron.
14:22 of 2nd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
14:23 of 2nd period - Brendan Brisson wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Firebirds zone.
14:30 of 2nd period - Shot by Justin Barron.
14:30 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
15:04 of 2nd period - Brendan Brisson is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
15:23 of 2nd period - Unknown Player is hit by Brendan Lemieux and loses puck.
15:47 of 2nd period - Icing by Logan Brown.
15:48 of 2nd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
15:49 of 2nd period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
15:49 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jacob Larsson.
15:55 of 2nd period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
15:55 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:57 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
15:57 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:59 of 2nd period - Shot by Jacob Larsson.
15:59 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:17 of 2nd period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
16:17 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
16:18 of 2nd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone.
16:34 of 2nd period - Nathan Legare is hit by Justin Scott and loses puck.
16:56 of 2nd period - Unknown Player is hit by Nathan Legare and loses puck.
17:28 of 2nd period - Jamie Devane is hit by Nathan Legare and loses puck.
17:37 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to William Lagesson for Hooking.
17:38 of 2nd period - Brendan Lemieux wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
18:02 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Brendan Lemieux for Boarding.
18:03 of 2nd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Wayne Simmonds in Monsters zone.
18:04 of 2nd period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
18:04 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
18:05 of 2nd period - Wayne Simmonds wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
18:05 of 2nd period - Justin Barron is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck.
18:12 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
18:12 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Wayne Simmonds.
18:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
18:14 of 2nd period - Deflect By Andrew Agozzino.
18:14 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
18:16 of 2nd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
18:16 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:18 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
18:18 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
18:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
18:28 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:32 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
18:32 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
18:33 of 2nd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
18:42 of 2nd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
18:42 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Jordan Spence.
18:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
18:44 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:46 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
18:46 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
18:48 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
18:50 of 2nd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
18:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
18:51 of 2nd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
19:02 of 2nd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
19:02 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:39 of 2nd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
19:39 of 2nd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
Goals for this period are 1 for Monsters vs 0 for Firebirds.
Shots for this period are 9 for Monsters vs 12 for Firebirds.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
0:22 of 3rd period - Shot by Liam Foudy.
0:22 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
0:23 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
0:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
0:24 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound.
0:37 of 3rd period - Icing by Unknown Player.
0:38 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
1:03 of 3rd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
1:03 of 3rd period - Shot Hit the Post.
1:05 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
1:05 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:15 of 3rd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
1:15 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
1:16 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone.
1:16 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy is hit by Tyler Sikura.
1:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
1:35 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:44 of 3rd period - Tyler Sikura is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck.
1:48 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Jordan Spence for Interference.
1:49 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
1:54 of 3rd period - Unknown Player is hit by Logan Brown and loses puck.
2:01 of 3rd period - Rasmus Asplund is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck.
2:06 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
2:06 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:10 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
2:10 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
2:11 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
2:16 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
2:16 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Brayden Pachal.
2:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
2:18 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:04 of 3rd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
3:04 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
3:05 of 3rd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
3:48 of 3rd period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
3:48 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:50 of 3rd period - Shot by Jamie Devane.
3:50 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
3:52 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
3:58 of 3rd period - Shot by Jamie Devane.
3:58 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
3:59 of 3rd period - Justin Scott wins face-off versus Wayne Simmonds in Monsters zone.
3:59 of 3rd period - Jamie Devane is hit by Justin Barron.
4:00 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Justin Barron for Tripping.
4:01 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone.
4:28 of 3rd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
4:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
4:29 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone.
4:29 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy is hit by Tyler Sikura.
5:21 of 3rd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
5:21 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
5:23 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
5:25 of 3rd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
5:25 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
5:26 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
5:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
5:35 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
5:36 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone.
5:55 of 3rd period - Icing by Unknown Player.
5:56 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
6:11 of 3rd period - Shot by Turner Elson.
6:11 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
6:12 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
6:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
6:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
6:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
6:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
6:30 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone.
6:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
6:37 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
6:38 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
6:39 of 3rd period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
6:39 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
6:40 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Nathan Legare in Firebirds zone.
7:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
7:14 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:26 of 3rd period - Shot by Nathan Legare.
7:26 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
7:27 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Callahan Burke in Firebirds zone.
7:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Jacob Larsson.
7:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
7:37 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone.
8:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
8:08 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
8:10 of 3rd period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
8:10 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
8:11 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
8:11 of 3rd period - Brendan Lemieux is hit by Blake Hillman and loses puck.
8:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
8:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
8:37 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone.
8:37 of 3rd period - Logan Brown is hit by Jamie Devane.
9:01 of 3rd period - Shot by Logan Brown.
9:01 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
9:02 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone.
9:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
9:18 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:30 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Lemieux.
9:30 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound.
9:32 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
9:32 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
9:33 of 3rd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Firebirds zone.
9:43 of 3rd period - Tyler Sikura is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck.
9:46 of 3rd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
9:46 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
9:46 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Unknown Player for Tripping.
9:47 of 3rd period - Rasmus Asplund wins face-off versus Andrew Agozzino in Monsters zone.
10:54 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Lemieux.
10:54 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:40 of 3rd period - Icing by Callahan Burke.
12:41 of 3rd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
12:55 of 3rd period - Off-side.
12:56 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in neutral zone.
13:21 of 3rd period - Shot by Justin Scott.
13:21 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
13:23 of 3rd period - Shot by Jamie Devane.
13:23 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound.
13:54 of 3rd period - Off-side.
13:55 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone.
14:25 of 3rd period - Shot by Wayne Simmonds.
14:25 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:27 of 3rd period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
14:27 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:29 of 3rd period - Shot by Unknown Player.
14:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
14:30 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone.
14:33 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Brisson.
14:33 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Callahan Burke.
14:41 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy is hit by Tyler Sikura and loses puck.
14:51 of 3rd period - Shot by Callahan Burke.
14:51 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:59 of 3rd period - Shot by Tyler Sikura.
14:59 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
15:00 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone.
15:00 of 3rd period - Logan Brown is hit by Justin Scott.
15:49 of 3rd period - Justin Scott is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
15:56 of 3rd period - Rasmus Asplund is hit by Jamie Devane and loses puck.
16:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
16:43 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Jordan Spence.
17:27 of 3rd period - Off-side.
17:28 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in neutral zone.
17:36 of 3rd period - William Lagesson is hit by Tyler Sikura and loses puck.
17:43 of 3rd period - Shot by Wayne Simmonds.
17:43 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman.
17:45 of 3rd period - Shot by Wayne Simmonds.
17:45 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:47 of 3rd period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
17:47 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
17:48 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Firebirds zone.
18:09 of 3rd period - Icing by Unknown Player.
18:10 of 3rd period - Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
18:13 of 3rd period - Shot by Graeme Clarke.
18:13 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:19 of 3rd period - Wayne Simmonds is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck.
18:24 of 3rd period - Shot by Andrew Agozzino.
18:24 of 3rd period - Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.
18:25 of 3rd period - Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Monsters zone.
18:46 of 3rd period - Shot by Jordan Spence.
18:46 of 3rd period - Deflect By Brendan Brisson.
18:46 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman.
19:11 of 3rd period - Liam Foudy is hit by Blake Hillman and loses puck.
19:14 of 3rd period - Shot by Liam Foudy.
19:14 of 3rd period - Deflect By Brendan Brisson.
19:14 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Brendan Lemieux.
19:18 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman.
19:25 of 3rd period - Icing by Blake Hillman.
19:26 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone.
19:27 of 3rd period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
19:27 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
19:28 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
19:51 of 3rd period - Shot by Logan Brown.
19:51 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Unknown Player.
19:53 of 3rd period - Shot by Rasmus Asplund.
19:53 of 3rd period - Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.
19:54 of 3rd period - Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone.
19:57 of 3rd period - Shot by Wayne Simmonds.
19:57 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 0 for Monsters vs 0 for Firebirds.
Shots for this period are 15 for Monsters vs 14 for Firebirds.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Legare. Nathan Legare moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass by Logan Brown intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in Monsters zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron in Monsters zone. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Goal by Unknown Player - Monsters : 0 - Firebirds : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Jordan Spence. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jordan Spence. Puck retreived by Callahan Burke. Icing by Callahan Burke. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Callahan Burke in Monsters zone. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Jacob Larsson. Icing by Jacob Larsson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Graeme Clarke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Larsson for Monsters. Jacob Larsson moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Jacob Larsson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Jamie Devane.

Time : 2. Jamie Devane moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Jamie Devane. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Graeme Clarke moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass by Graeme Clarke intercepted by Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Jacob Larsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jacob Larsson. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Unknown Player is hit by Wayne Simmonds and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Hillman for Firebirds. Blake Hillman moves puck in neutral zone. Blake Hillman moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Blake Hillman in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Scott. Justin Scott moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Jamie Devane. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Justin Scott in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Hillman in Monsters zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Blake Hillman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Graeme Clarke.

Time : 3. Pass to Jacob Larsson in neutral zone. Jacob Larsson moves puck in Firebirds zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jacob Larsson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Tyler Sikura. Puck retreived by Liam Foudy. Pass to Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Jordan Spence loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Sikura for Firebirds. Pass to Callahan Burke in Monsters zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Tyler Sikura loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Jordan Spence. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Shot by Callahan Burke. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Shot by Callahan Burke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Shot by Callahan Burke. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - William Lagesson, Unknown Player are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player.

Time : 4. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Shot Blocked by William Lagesson. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by William Lagesson. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass to Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by William Lagesson. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to William Lagesson in Firebirds zone. Pass to Nathan Legare. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson in Firebirds zone. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Brendan Lemieux in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Pass by Brendan Lemieux intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Brendan Lemieux in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Lemieux intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Brendan Brisson. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Andrew Agozzino. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Justin Barron is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Pass to Unknown Player. Unknown Player is hit by Justin Barron and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Monsters. Pass to Brendan Brisson in neutral zone. Brendan Brisson moves puck in Firebirds zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brendan Brisson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Graeme Clarke. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Shot by Wayne Simmonds. Deflect By Graeme Clarke. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Tyler Sikura moves puck in Monsters zone.

Time : 6. Tyler Sikura is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Shot by Callahan Burke. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Sikura for Firebirds. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Brown. Logan Brown moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Nathan Legare. Nathan Legare loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Larsson for Monsters. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Shot by Logan Brown. Shot Blocked by Jamie Devane. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Legare for Monsters. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Rasmus Asplund. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by Jordan Spence in Monsters zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone.

Time : 7. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Graeme Clarke. Puck retreived by Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Jamie Devane moves puck in Monsters zone. Jamie Devane loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Graeme Clarke moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Wayne Simmonds for Monsters. Shot by Wayne Simmonds. Goal by Wayne Simmonds - Monsters : 1 - Firebirds : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy is ejected from face-off, Brendan Brisson takes his place. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Brendan Brisson in neutral zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Callahan Burke. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Justin Barron is hit by Tyler Sikura and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Sikura for Firebirds. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass to Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jordan Spence. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jordan Spence.

Time : 8. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Wayne Simmonds moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Wayne Simmonds. Puck retreived by Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Wayne Simmonds in neutral zone. Pass by Wayne Simmonds intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in Firebirds zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke in Firebirds zone. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke in Firebirds zone. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Deflect By Wayne Simmonds. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass by Graeme Clarke intercepted by Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Andrew Agozzino. Puck retreived by Jordan Spence. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in neutral zone. Wayne Simmonds moves puck in Firebirds zone.

Time : 9. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Wayne Simmonds. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Brisson, Turner Elson, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Justin Barron. Free Puck Retrieved by Turner Elson for Monsters. Icing by Turner Elson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Brendan Brisson wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone. Pass to Nathan Legare. Pass by Nathan Legare intercepted by Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Callahan Burke. Shot by Callahan Burke. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Monsters. Pass to Brendan Brisson in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - William Lagesson, Unknown Player are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Justin Scott wins face-off versus Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Jamie Devane. Pass to Blake Hillman. Blake Hillman moves puck in Monsters zone. Blake Hillman loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Rasmus Asplund. Puck retreived by Jamie Devane. Jamie Devane is hit by Nathan Legare and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Monsters. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by William Lagesson. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Shot by Logan Brown. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters.

Time : 10. Shot by Logan Brown. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters. Shot by Logan Brown. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by William Lagesson for Monsters. Shot by William Lagesson. Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters. Shot by Logan Brown. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Shot by Brendan Lemieux. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Icing by Callahan Burke. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Brendan Brisson. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Puck retreived by Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass by Tyler Sikura intercepted by Liam Foudy. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Brendan Brisson in Monsters zone. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Shot Blocked by Justin Barron. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Pass to Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson in Firebirds zone.

Time : 11. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Deflect By Liam Foudy. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Firebirds zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Unknown Player is hit by Nathan Legare. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Nathan Legare. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Logan Brown. Shot by Logan Brown. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jacob Larsson in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Shot by Jacob Larsson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Wayne Simmonds for Monsters. Wayne Simmonds loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Larsson for Monsters. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Shot by Wayne Simmonds. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Brisson, Turner Elson, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Brendan Brisson in Firebirds zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Nathan Legare in neutral zone. Pass to Turner Elson in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Turner Elson for Monsters. Shot by Turner Elson. Deflect By Brendan Brisson. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Shot by Justin Barron. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Justin Barron. Shot by Justin Barron. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters.

Time : 12. Shot by Justin Barron. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Unknown Player is hit by Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Unknown Player moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Icing by Graeme Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Minor Penalty to Jordan Spence for High sticking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Rasmus Asplund. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in Monsters zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Deflect By Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown is ejected from face-off, Rasmus Asplund takes his place. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Rasmus Asplund in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke.

Time : 13. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Logan Brown. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Logan Brown. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass by Tyler Sikura intercepted by Brayden Pachal in Monsters zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brayden Pachal. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Callahan Burke moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brayden Pachal. Puck retreived by Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino is hit by Logan Brown and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Rasmus Asplund.

Time : 14. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Brisson, Turner Elson, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Scott in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Jamie Devane moves puck in Monsters zone. Jamie Devane loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Scott for Firebirds. Justin Scott loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jamie Devane for Firebirds. Pass to Justin Scott. Justin Scott loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino.

Time : 15. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Wayne Simmonds for Monsters. Pass by Wayne Simmonds intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass to Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Graeme Clarke moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Jordan Spence moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Graeme Clarke in neutral zone.

Time : 16. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in Firebirds zone. Pass by Wayne Simmonds intercepted by Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Unknown Player moves puck in Monsters zone. Unknown Player loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Monsters. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in neutral zone. Wayne Simmonds moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Graeme Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Nathan Legare. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Nathan Legare. Shot by Nathan Legare. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters. Shot by Logan Brown. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Shot by Logan Brown. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player. Icing by Unknown Player.

Time : 17. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Shot by Brendan Lemieux. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in Monsters zone. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - William Lagesson, Unknown Player are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Jacob Larsson. Pass by Jacob Larsson intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Brendan Brisson in Monsters zone. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Shot by Callahan Burke. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Logan Brown is hit by Jamie Devane. Pass to Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Jamie Devane. Pass to Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Justin Scott loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone.

Time : 18. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone. Justin Barron is hit by Unknown Player. Pass to Logan Brown. Logan Brown is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Legare for Monsters. Nathan Legare is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters. Pass to Nathan Legare. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass by Logan Brown intercepted by Jamie Devane. Icing by Jamie Devane. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Justin Scott is ejected from face-off, Jamie Devane takes his place. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Jamie Devane in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Shot by Brendan Lemieux. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Liam Foudy for Monsters. Shot by Liam Foudy. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Jamie Devane. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass by Justin Scott intercepted by Jordan Spence. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Jamie Devane. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass to Jamie Devane. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by Jordan Spence. Pass to Brendan Brisson in neutral zone. Brendan Brisson moves puck in Firebirds zone.

Time : 19. Pass to Liam Foudy. Liam Foudy is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Jamie Devane. Pass to Justin Scott in neutral zone. Pass to Jamie Devane in Monsters zone. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by Liam Foudy. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Shot by Justin Scott. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Shot by Callahan Burke. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Justin Barron moves puck in neutral zone. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Andrew Agozzino takes his place. Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Blake Hillman. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Shot by Callahan Burke. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Brisson, Turner Elson, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Brendan Brisson is ejected from face-off, Nathan Legare takes his place. Nathan Legare wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Nathan Legare is hit by Andrew Agozzino. Brendan Brisson moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Monsters vs 1 for Firebirds. Shots for this period are 11 for Monsters vs 20 for Firebirds.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Blake Hillman in Monsters zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass by Tyler Sikura intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Justin Barron. Justin Barron moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Justin Barron. Puck retreived by Tyler Sikura. Icing by Tyler Sikura. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Blake Hillman in Firebirds zone. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Brendan Brisson in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Unknown Player is hit by Logan Brown. Pass to Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Justin Barron. Icing by Justin Barron. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Tyler Sikura. Puck retreived by Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Logan Brown. Puck retreived by Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke is hit by Logan Brown and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Nathan Legare. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Deflect By Nathan Legare. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters. Pass by Logan Brown intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Justin Barron. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Pass to Liam Foudy. Liam Foudy is hit by Tyler Sikura and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Monsters. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Firebirds zone. Brayden Pachal is hit by Unknown Player. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass by Jacob Larsson intercepted by Unknown Player.

Time : 2. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Brendan Lemieux in neutral zone. Pass to Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson in Firebirds zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brendan Brisson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Tyler Sikura. Puck retreived by Jordan Spence. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Jordan Spence in Firebirds zone. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Minor Penalty to Unknown Player for Hooking. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Andrew Agozzino in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Justin Barron. Shot by Justin Barron. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound.

Time : 3. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Unknown Player moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Stolarz. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Stolarz. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Liam Foudy moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Andrew Agozzino in Firebirds zone. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Goal by Rasmus Asplund - Monsters : 2 - Firebirds : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Brisson, Turner Elson, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - William Lagesson, Unknown Player are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Justin Scott is ejected from face-off, Jamie Devane takes his place. Brendan Brisson wins face-off versus Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass to William Lagesson. William Lagesson moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Nathan Legare. Pass by Nathan Legare intercepted by Jamie Devane. Pass to Justin Scott in neutral zone. Justin Scott moves puck in Monsters zone. Shot by Justin Scott. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Wayne Simmonds.

Time : 4. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Blake Hillman. Icing by Blake Hillman. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Deflect By Nathan Legare. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Blake Hillman for Firebirds. Icing by Blake Hillman. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Blake Hillman. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Justin Barron. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass by Logan Brown intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Rasmus Asplund. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Jamie Devane. Icing by Jamie Devane. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Liam Foudy is ejected from face-off, Brendan Brisson takes his place. Justin Scott wins face-off versus Brendan Brisson in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jamie Devane. Jamie Devane is hit by Brendan Lemieux. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass by Justin Scott intercepted by Brendan Lemieux. Pass by Brendan Lemieux intercepted by Unknown Player. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Firebirds zone. Pass to Nathan Legare.

Time : 5. Pass by Nathan Legare intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Justin Scott in neutral zone. Justin Scott moves puck in Monsters zone. Justin Scott loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Scott for Firebirds. Justin Scott loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jamie Devane for Firebirds. Pass to Justin Scott. Shot by Justin Scott. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy is ejected from face-off, Brendan Lemieux takes his place. Brendan Lemieux wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Liam Foudy moves puck in Firebirds zone. Liam Foudy is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass to Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jordan Spence. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass to Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Jordan Spence. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds.

Time : 6. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Deflect By Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Deflect By Unknown Player. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Tyler Sikura is hit by Justin Barron. Pass to Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Logan Brown. Shot by Logan Brown. Deflect By Rasmus Asplund. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Wayne Simmonds takes his place. Wayne Simmonds wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass by Jacob Larsson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Justin Scott in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Callahan Burke. Puck retreived by Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Rasmus Asplund.

Time : 7. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Nathan Legare. Shot by Nathan Legare. Shot Blocked by Tyler Sikura. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in Firebirds zone. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Nathan Legare in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Brown in Firebirds zone. Pass by Logan Brown intercepted by Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Justin Barron in Monsters zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Tyler Sikura moves puck in Monsters zone. Tyler Sikura loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Logan Brown. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Sikura for Firebirds. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Shot by Callahan Burke. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jacob Larsson. Pass by Jacob Larsson intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Hillman. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Blake Hillman. Puck retreived by Liam Foudy. Liam Foudy is hit by Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone.

Time : 8. Pass to Blake Hillman in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Jacob Larsson. Pass to Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal in Firebirds zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Brendan Lemieux in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Brendan Lemieux in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Lemieux intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Hillman in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Blake Hillman. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Jacob Larsson. Pass by Jacob Larsson intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Liam Foudy. Pass to Brendan Brisson in Firebirds zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brendan Brisson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Blake Hillman.

Time : 9. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Jordan Spence in Monsters zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Pass by Graeme Clarke intercepted by Blake Hillman in Firebirds zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jordan Spence in Monsters zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in Firebirds zone. Pass by Wayne Simmonds intercepted by Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in Firebirds zone. Pass by Wayne Simmonds intercepted by Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Graeme Clarke. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass by Graeme Clarke intercepted by Blake Hillman. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Andrew Agozzino. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Stolarz. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Graeme Clarke moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Graeme Clarke intercepted by Unknown Player.

Time : 10. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Spence in Firebirds zone. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Graeme Clarke. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Graeme Clarke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Jamie Devane. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass to Jamie Devane. Shot by Jamie Devane. Shot Blocked by Justin Barron. Free Puck Retrieved by Jamie Devane for Firebirds. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by Nathan Legare. Pass by Nathan Legare intercepted by Jamie Devane. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by Logan Brown. Pass by Logan Brown intercepted by Justin Scott in neutral zone. Pass to Jamie Devane in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Scott. Shot by Justin Scott. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jamie Devane for Firebirds. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in Firebirds zone. Rasmus Asplund is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Justin Scott in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Justin Scott. Puck retreived by Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund is hit by Jamie Devane. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane.

Time : 11. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane. Shot by Jamie Devane. Deflect By Justin Scott. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jamie Devane for Firebirds. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass by Justin Scott intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Nathan Legare in neutral zone. Nathan Legare moves puck in Firebirds zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Nathan Legare. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - William Lagesson, Unknown Player are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by William Lagesson in Monsters zone. Pass by William Lagesson intercepted by Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Brisson. Pass to Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Brendan Lemieux moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Callahan Burke. Icing by Callahan Burke. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - William Lagesson, Unknown Player are on ice for Monsters. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke.

Time : 12. Pass to William Lagesson. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass to William Lagesson. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass to William Lagesson. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Brisson, Turner Elson, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Brendan Brisson wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Nathan Legare. Shot by Nathan Legare. Deflect By Turner Elson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Legare for Monsters. Shot by Nathan Legare. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Shot by Jordan Spence. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Shot by Jordan Spence. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Brisson for Monsters. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Brisson for Monsters. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Brisson for Monsters. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Unknown Player moves puck in Monsters zone. Unknown Player loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters.

Time : 13. Pass to Brendan Brisson in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Puck retreived by Jordan Spence. Jordan Spence is hit by Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Brendan Brisson in neutral zone. Brendan Brisson moves puck in Firebirds zone. Brendan Brisson is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Andrew Agozzino is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Legare for Monsters. Icing by Nathan Legare. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Brendan Brisson in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Brendan Brisson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Callahan Burke in Firebirds zone. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Jordan Spence. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jordan Spence. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass by Tyler Sikura intercepted by Graeme Clarke. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Minor Penalty to Unknown Player for Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Andrew Agozzino wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Firebirds zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Scott, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Stolarz. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown in Firebirds zone. Pass to Wayne Simmonds.

Time : 14. Pass by Wayne Simmonds intercepted by Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Stolarz. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in neutral zone. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Pass to Justin Barron. Shot by Justin Barron. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Scott, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy is ejected from face-off, Brendan Brisson takes his place. Brendan Brisson wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Firebirds zone. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Justin Barron. Shot by Justin Barron. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Stolarz. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Pass by Brendan Lemieux intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Lemieux. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Brendan Brisson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brendan Brisson. Puck retreived by Andrew Agozzino. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Andrew Agozzino. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Scott, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Lemieux. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Brendan Brisson is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Stolarz. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Andrew Agozzino. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Scott, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Liam Foudy. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Justin Barron. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Unknown Player is hit by Brendan Lemieux and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Stolarz. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Brendan Brisson in neutral zone. Brendan Brisson moves puck in Firebirds zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brendan Brisson. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown. Icing by Logan Brown. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Shot by Callahan Burke. Shot Blocked by Jacob Larsson. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Monsters. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Graeme Clarke moves puck in Firebirds zone. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Monsters. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Larsson for Monsters. Shot by Jacob Larsson. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 16. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Monsters. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Pass by Wayne Simmonds intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Callahan Burke in Firebirds zone. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke in Monsters zone. Shot by Callahan Burke. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - William Lagesson, Unknown Player are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to William Lagesson in neutral zone. William Lagesson moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Jamie Devane. Puck retreived by Nathan Legare. Nathan Legare is hit by Justin Scott and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jamie Devane for Firebirds. Pass by Jamie Devane intercepted by William Lagesson. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Justin Scott in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Puck retreived by Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Rasmus Asplund. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Unknown Player is hit by Nathan Legare and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds.

Time : 17. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in Firebirds zone. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass to Jamie Devane. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass by Justin Scott intercepted by William Lagesson. Pass by William Lagesson intercepted by Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane. Jamie Devane is hit by Nathan Legare and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane in Monsters zone. Jamie Devane loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Scott for Firebirds. Minor Penalty to William Lagesson for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Liam Foudy is ejected from face-off, Brendan Lemieux takes his place. Brendan Lemieux wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Liam Foudy. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Liam Foudy. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jordan Spence. Pass to Liam Foudy. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Liam Foudy. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Justin Barron. Puck retreived by Unknown Player.

Time : 18. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in neutral zone. Minor Penalty to Brendan Lemieux for Boarding. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Wayne Simmonds in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Shot by Callahan Burke. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Wayne Simmonds wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Justin Barron is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Wayne Simmonds. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Deflect By Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward 3vs5 Lineup #1 - Logan Brown are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Shot Blocked by Jordan Spence. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Shot by Callahan Burke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Sikura for Firebirds. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Sikura for Firebirds. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill 3vs5 Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Justin Barron. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Pass to Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jordan Spence. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Wayne Simmonds, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jordan Spence. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jordan Spence. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Monsters vs 0 for Firebirds. Shots for this period are 9 for Monsters vs 12 for Firebirds.

3rd period

Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jordan Spence in Monsters zone. Pass to Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Liam Foudy. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Liam Foudy. Shot by Liam Foudy. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Tyler Sikura moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Unknown Player. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Logan Brown in neutral zone. Logan Brown moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Liam Foudy is hit by Tyler Sikura. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Callahan Burke. Puck retreived by Jordan Spence. Pass to Brendan Lemieux in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Spence in Firebirds zone. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Tyler Sikura moves puck in Monsters zone. Tyler Sikura is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Minor Penalty to Jordan Spence for Interference. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Logan Brown. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Unknown Player is hit by Logan Brown and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone.

Time : 2. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Andrew Agozzino. Puck retreived by Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Monsters. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Brayden Pachal. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brayden Pachal. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in Monsters zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Jacob Larsson. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jacob Larsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Wayne Simmonds, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Unknown Player moves puck in Monsters zone. Unknown Player loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Monsters. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino.

Time : 3. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Andrew Agozzino loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Tyler Sikura. Puck retreived by Logan Brown. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Tyler Sikura moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass by Tyler Sikura intercepted by Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Brisson, Turner Elson, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Shot by Callahan Burke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jamie Devane for Firebirds. Shot by Jamie Devane. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Shot by Unknown Player. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Jamie Devane for Firebirds. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane. Shot by Jamie Devane. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Wayne Simmonds takes his place. Justin Scott wins face-off versus Wayne Simmonds in Monsters zone. Pass to Jamie Devane. Jamie Devane is hit by Justin Barron.

Time : 4. Pass to Justin Scott. Minor Penalty to Justin Barron for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Liam Foudy is hit by Tyler Sikura. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brendan Lemieux. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Logan Brown in Monsters zone. Pass to Jacob Larsson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jacob Larsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass by Tyler Sikura intercepted by Brendan Lemieux in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brendan Lemieux. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Callahan Burke.

Time : 5. Pass to Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Jacob Larsson. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jacob Larsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Sikura for Firebirds. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Sikura for Firebirds. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jacob Larsson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Unknown Player moves puck in Monsters zone. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Monsters. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Brayden Pachal. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Logan Brown loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Icing by Unknown Player. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass by Jacob Larsson intercepted by Andrew Agozzino.

Time : 6. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Brisson, Turner Elson, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Nathan Legare in neutral zone. Pass to Turner Elson in Firebirds zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Turner Elson. Shot by Turner Elson. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass by Graeme Clarke intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Monsters zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Brendan Brisson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Logan Brown is ejected from face-off, Nathan Legare takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Nathan Legare in Firebirds zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Unknown Player in Monsters zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Andrew Agozzino. Puck retreived by Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Barron in Firebirds zone. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Logan Brown.

Time : 7. Pass to Rasmus Asplund in Firebirds zone. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Nathan Legare. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters. Pass by Logan Brown intercepted by Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Legare. Nathan Legare moves puck in Firebirds zone. Shot by Nathan Legare. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura is ejected from face-off, Callahan Burke takes his place. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Callahan Burke in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Shot by Jacob Larsson. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Pass by Graeme Clarke intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Tyler Sikura. Puck retreived by Jordan Spence. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jordan Spence. Pass to Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Graeme Clarke. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Graeme Clarke in Firebirds zone.

Time : 8. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Graeme Clarke for Monsters. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Brendan Lemieux is hit by Blake Hillman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Barron in Firebirds zone. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Blake Hillman. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Hillman in Monsters zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Logan Brown is hit by Jamie Devane. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in neutral zone. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown.

Time : 9. Shot by Logan Brown. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Brendan Brisson in neutral zone. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Liam Foudy in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Barron in neutral zone. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Brendan Lemieux loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Brisson for Monsters. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Shot by Brendan Lemieux. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Brisson for Monsters. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Firebirds zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Blake Hillman in Monsters zone. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Tyler Sikura is hit by Jordan Spence and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Sikura for Firebirds. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Minor Penalty to Unknown Player for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Andrew Agozzino takes his place. Logan Brown is ejected from face-off, Rasmus Asplund takes his place. Rasmus Asplund wins face-off versus Andrew Agozzino in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Justin Barron. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Rasmus Asplund.

Time : 10. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Rasmus Asplund. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jordan Spence. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Rasmus Asplund. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Pass by Brendan Lemieux intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Liam Foudy. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Shot by Brendan Lemieux. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Liam Foudy for Monsters. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Liam Foudy. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player.

Time : 11. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Logan Brown in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Rasmus Asplund. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Rasmus Asplund in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Rasmus Asplund. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jordan Spence. Pass to Logan Brown. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Logan Brown. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Wayne Simmonds, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Pass to Brendan Brisson in Firebirds zone. Pass by Brendan Brisson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass by Andrew Agozzino intercepted by Justin Barron in Monsters zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Justin Barron. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Brendan Brisson, Turner Elson, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Pass to Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Larsson for Monsters. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Brendan Brisson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal in Firebirds zone. Pass to Turner Elson.

Time : 12. Pass by Turner Elson intercepted by Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Callahan Burke in Monsters zone. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Jacob Larsson in neutral zone. Jacob Larsson moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Jacob Larsson intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Callahan Burke in neutral zone. Pass by Callahan Burke intercepted by Brayden Pachal in Monsters zone. Pass to Jacob Larsson in neutral zone. Jacob Larsson moves puck in Firebirds zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jacob Larsson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - William Lagesson, Unknown Player are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by William Lagesson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by William Lagesson. Puck retreived by Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Icing by Callahan Burke. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass by Tyler Sikura intercepted by Wayne Simmonds in Monsters zone. Pass to Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Justin Barron moves puck in Firebirds zone.

Time : 13. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass by Logan Brown intercepted by Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Jamie Devane moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Scott. Shot by Justin Scott. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jamie Devane for Firebirds. Shot by Jamie Devane. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Jamie Devane. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass by Justin Scott intercepted by Rasmus Asplund in Monsters zone. Pass to Logan Brown in neutral zone. Logan Brown moves puck in Firebirds zone. Logan Brown loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Logan Brown for Monsters. Logan Brown loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Nathan Legare. Pass to Justin Barron. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Justin Barron. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Graeme Clarke in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in neutral zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Blake Hillman in Monsters zone.

Time : 14. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Jordan Spence. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in neutral zone. Wayne Simmonds moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Wayne Simmonds intercepted by Blake Hillman. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Shot by Wayne Simmonds. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Graeme Clarke for Monsters. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Monsters. Shot by Unknown Player. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Liam Foudy wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Shot by Brendan Brisson. Shot Blocked by Callahan Burke. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to Callahan Burke. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Callahan Burke. Puck retreived by Liam Foudy. Liam Foudy is hit by Tyler Sikura and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Pass to Callahan Burke. Callahan Burke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Shot by Callahan Burke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Callahan Burke for Firebirds. Pass to Tyler Sikura. Shot by Tyler Sikura. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound.

Time : 15. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Scott, Jamie Devane, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Logan Brown is hit by Justin Scott. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in neutral zone. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass by Justin Scott intercepted by Rasmus Asplund. Pass by Rasmus Asplund intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Pass by Justin Scott intercepted by Justin Barron. Pass to Logan Brown. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Barron in Firebirds zone. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass by Justin Scott intercepted by Nathan Legare in Monsters zone. Pass by Nathan Legare intercepted by Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Scott in Monsters zone. Justin Scott is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Justin Scott in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Justin Scott. Puck retreived by Rasmus Asplund. Rasmus Asplund is hit by Jamie Devane and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Barron for Monsters.

Time : 16. Pass to Logan Brown in neutral zone. Logan Brown moves puck in Firebirds zone. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Logan Brown. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Unknown Player. Pass to Jamie Devane in neutral zone. Jamie Devane moves puck in Monsters zone. Pass to Justin Scott. Pass to Jamie Devane. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Jamie Devane. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Free Puck Retrieved by Anthony Stolarz. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Jordan Spence in neutral zone. Jordan Spence moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass by Jordan Spence intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Andrew Agozzino moves puck in Monsters zone. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Shot Blocked by Jordan Spence. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Brendan Brisson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Liam Foudy.

Time : 17. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Liam Foudy. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Liam Foudy. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Unknown Player. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Pass to Unknown Player. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Unknown Player. Puck retreived by Jacob Larsson. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - William Lagesson, Unknown Player are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in neutral zone. Pass to William Lagesson. William Lagesson is hit by Tyler Sikura and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Graeme Clarke for Monsters. Pass to Wayne Simmonds in Firebirds zone. Shot by Wayne Simmonds. Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman. Free Puck Retrieved by Wayne Simmonds for Monsters. Shot by Wayne Simmonds. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Graeme Clarke for Monsters. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Nathan Legare are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Brayden Pachal, Jacob Larsson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Logan Brown in Firebirds zone. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Pass to Unknown Player. Unknown Player moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Brayden Pachal in Monsters zone. Pass to Logan Brown. Logan Brown moves puck in neutral zone. Logan Brown loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters.

Time : 18. Pass to Logan Brown. Logan Brown moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Jacob Larsson. Pass by Jacob Larsson intercepted by Unknown Player. Icing by Unknown Player. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Wayne Simmonds, Graeme Clarke are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Unknown Player wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass to Graeme Clarke. Shot by Graeme Clarke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Andrew Agozzino in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Monsters zone by Andrew Agozzino. Puck retreived by Wayne Simmonds. Wayne Simmonds is hit by Andrew Agozzino and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Unknown Player for Firebirds. Pass to Andrew Agozzino. Shot by Andrew Agozzino. Stopped by Anthony Stolarz without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Liam Foudy, Brendan Lemieux, Brendan Brisson are on ice for Monsters. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Unknown Player, Jordan Spence are on ice for Monsters. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Tyler Sikura, Unknown Player, Callahan Burke are on ice for Firebirds. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Blake Hillman, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Tyler Sikura wins face-off versus Liam Foudy in Monsters zone. Pass to Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Brendan Brisson. Pass to Liam Foudy in neutral zone. Pass to Jordan Spence. Jordan Spence moves puck in Firebirds zone. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Brendan Brisson. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Jordan Spence. Shot by Jordan Spence. Deflect By Brendan Brisson. Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman. Free Puck Retrieved by Liam Foudy for Monsters. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Blake Hillman. Pass by Blake Hillman intercepted by Brendan Lemieux. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Brendan Brisson.

Time : 19. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Liam Foudy. Pass to Jordan Spence. Pass to Liam Foudy. Liam Foudy is hit by Blake Hillman and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Liam Foudy for Monsters. Shot by Liam Foudy. Deflect By Brendan Brisson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brendan Brisson for Monsters. Pass to Brendan Lemieux. Shot by Brendan Lemieux. Shot Blocked by Blake Hillman. Free Puck Retrieved by Jordan Spence for Monsters. Puck is dumped in Firebirds zone by Jordan Spence. Last Minute Defensive Line - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. Unknown Player, Justin Barron are on ice for Monsters. Puck retreived by Keith Kinkaid. Pass to Blake Hillman. Icing by Blake Hillman. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Tyler Sikura in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Last Minute Defensive Line - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Liam Foudy are on ice for Monsters. Last Minute Offensive Line - Unknown Player, Andrew Agozzino, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Firebirds. Unknown Player is ejected from face-off, Unknown Player takes his place. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Justin Barron. Pass by Justin Barron intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Pass to Liam Foudy in Firebirds zone. Pass by Liam Foudy intercepted by Unknown Player. Pass by Unknown Player intercepted by Justin Barron in neutral zone. Pass to Logan Brown in Firebirds zone. Shot by Logan Brown. Shot Blocked by Unknown Player. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Asplund for Monsters. Shot by Rasmus Asplund. Stopped by Keith Kinkaid without a rebound. Last Minute Defensive Line - Logan Brown, Rasmus Asplund, Wayne Simmonds are on ice for Monsters. Logan Brown wins face-off versus Unknown Player in Firebirds zone. Pass to Rasmus Asplund. Pass to Wayne Simmonds. Shot by Wayne Simmonds. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Andrew Agozzino for Firebirds.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Monsters vs 0 for Firebirds. Shots for this period are 15 for Monsters vs 14 for Firebirds.